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Wednesday, 29 June 2011

stopmotion animation final animation

Comic evaluation

Does the end product match your original intentions?
Yes my original intentions match my end product , the comic follows the story line and looks very similar to the story board.

Is the end product appropriate for your intended audience?
My target advice is the marvel and dc comic original fans so as my comic is very similar in style and content to them I believe it is appropriate. There is no  swearing but there is a bit of violence so I would say my comic isn't appropriate for anyone under the age of 16.

Discuss the technical & aesthetic aspects of your work and highlight the strengths / areas to develop
I think the strongest part of my comic is the humour and the background I creates on Photoshop. The only problem with my comic is that I didn’t  draw the images I just edited them.

Discuss the content / style of your work 
I wanted my work to be in the style of marvel comics but also be funny

Did you encounter any problems when creating the product? If so how were they resolved?
I encountered a problem which was my drawing didn’t look enough like the marvel theme I was going for, so I decided to use images from marvel and edit them to remove any copy right issues.

What have you learnt from this experience?
I have expanded my skills on Photoshop further

Did you meet the deadline?
Yes I stuck to a strict schedule

If you had the opportunity to make this product again would you do anything different?
 I would spend more time and try to create my own drawing with more detail.

Are you happy with the overall product?
Yes I am happy with my product it looks good and I believe it is amusing.


Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Icons revisited

As i had some spare time at the end of the year i decided to revisit the Icon unit i did for Mel and make a new icon. Here it is displayed:

This is my icon for war

This is my icon for horror

Thursday, 23 June 2011

My comic

Final animation

This is my final animation video of my model room that i have made using the 3D max software.

i still think this video is too fast, but unfortunatly i dont have time to redo the video again.

Thursday, 16 June 2011

First animation atempt

This is my first atempt of my animation. it didnt go exactly to plan. so i am going to redo the animation.

Improvements i would make to this are
  • Make it longer
  • Have smoother camera movements
  • Have more camera angles

This is an image i got online, i am going to edit it so that i can use it for my cartoon.

This is the edited version of woolverine i changed the body shape, skin colour and colour of suit.

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Texturing and lighting my animation


To texture my model i used the material editor as apose to UVW unwrap this is because i didnt have enough time to do a UVW unwrap on all of the models on my animation. UVW unwrap alows you to apply textures much more accuratley and precicley, but i think the textures on my model look good for the time span i was given to crate the animation.


Their are 5 main different types of lighting on 3D max.
  • ambient light
  • omni lights that cast unfocused light in all directions
  • directional lights that cast parallel beams of light in one direction
  • target spotlights that cast a focused beam of light towards a target
  • free spotlights that cast a focused beam of light in a direction
For my anmation i used an omni to act as the main light for the room. i then used directional lights to add more refined lighting like for the bed side lamp of deask lamp.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Animation screen shots

Below are screen shots of my animation model, i added all thr things from the list i wanted to add and then i textured the model. I am now happy with my model and it is now reasdy to be animated . All textured where taken from the internet, i would of added one of the textures i have made in a work session with chris but none of the images suited the theme of the model.