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Wednesday, 26 January 2011

coridor lighting

today Chris gave us a tutorial on how to experiment using lighting in a corridor.
This is much like when i experimented with spotlights in my earlier post. Adding lights to a corridor simply required me to add spot lights. to create the corridor i used a box and removed the front and back polygons i also remover the top polygons, this gave me the basic corridor shape.
once i had my corridor shape i added 3 spot lights slightly above the top of the corridor, i then edited the lights to get the desired effect from them. for the corridor shown below i edited the lights to crate a creepy atmosphere in the corridor.

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Introduction to lighting

Today chris showed us how to add lights on 3D max. lighting plays a big party in many games and helps to add tension and suspence and also effects the atmosphere of an environment.
 In the game "Alan wake" light is one of the main forms of defence
Lighting also helps a to make a 3D model more realistic and adds another sence of dimention to the model by creating lighter and darker areas on the model also by adding shadows.

Below are 3 screen shots of lights i have experimented with i am just getting to know how to use lights at the moment i will experimetn further on 3D max at a later date.
So far i have only used spot lights and i will experiment with other lights such as omnis and skylights later.

                                           single light inverse beam faded
                                           many lights various different beam intensities and light fade
                                              box lighten by single full beam light